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Security and Human Rights Monitor The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHR Monitor) is a multifaceted platform that provides analysis on the work of the OSCE, as well as on security and human rights challenges stemming from the OSCE region and beyond.
23 September 2020
Exclusive: Austrian professor nominated for OSCE mission to investigate human rights violations in Belarus
Exclusive: Eleven candidates considered for top OSCE posts
EU deputy foreign policy chief Helga Schmid nominated for OSCE leadership
Will the OSCE mediate in Belarus?
Why the 1975 OSCE Helsinki Final Act Still Matters
How to Communicate in Ways that Improve Respect and Enhance Cooperation?
How to Get Along With Neighbours That You Do Not Trust?
The OSCE: A Bulwark Against Authoritarianism
The OSCE is Dysfunctional — But Necessary
How Internal Squabbling Paralyzed Europe’s Most Vital Security Organization
Future of Europe’s largest human rights conference at stake
Book Review: European Judicial Responses to Security Council Resolutions – A Consequentialist Assessment written by Kushtrim Istrefi
Financial Times | OSCE faces crisis as infighting leaves it rudderless

Building Security Through Cooperation

The Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) provides regular updates on topical developments relevant to the mandate of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). The publications on this website are meant to stimulate dialogue and debate and / or inform readers on issues related to security and human rights.

The publication of the Security and Human Rights Monitor is made possible through the generous financial support of the governments of Austria, Liechtenstein, and the Netherlands.

The major themes include:

  • Conflict prevention
  • Human Rights
  • Minorities
  • Democracy building
  • Cooperative security
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