Full Open Access Publication of Volume 28 of Security and Human Rights
Dear readers,
It is our pleasure to announce the publication of Volume 28 of the journal Security and Human Rights, the academic journal section of the Security and Human Rights Monitor. The journal’s publication marks its transformation to a full Open Access journal. In the coming weeks we will release the articles on the Security and Human Rights Monitor. This volume features the following articles:
- The Application of the OSCE Commitments Relating to Migration and Integration in Italy
By: Chiara Favilii - Violence against Women: Assessing Italy’s Compliance with the OSCE Commitments and the Current International Legal Framework
By: Francesca Capone - OSCE Addresses Organized Crime through Police Co-operation
By: Alexey L. Lyzhenkov - Accommodating Security Imperatives v. Protecting Fundamental Rights: The Challenge of States of Emergency in the Context of Countering Terrorism in Turkey
By: Emre Turkut - E.T. Phoned Home…They Know: The Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties in the Context of Foreign Surveillance
By: Holly Huxtable - Human Rights and Climate Change: Protecting the Right to Life of Individuals of Present and Future Generations
By: Julie H. Albers - The Breakdown of State-building: From the Nation to Radicalisation: The Security Aspects of Exclusion and Identity Formation
By: Peter Knoope and Saré Knoope - The Digital Unfitness of Mutual Legal Assistance
By: Els de Busser - The Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter: Origins, Subsequent Developments in Law and Practice and (Mis)interpretation in the Context of Unilateral Secession Claims in the OSCE Area
By: Tofig F. Musayev and Rovshan Sadigbayli - Book Review of OSCE vs. Transnational Threats: Past, Present, Future, written by Alexey Lyzhenkov
Review By: Arie Bloed
The submissions have been reviewed by the Editorial Board and external experts and the Security and Human Rights Monitor is administered under the auspices of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, based in The Hague.
We look forward to continue contributing to debate and analysis on the work of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), and on the intersection of security and human rights more generally.
Authors interested in publishing their views in the Security and Human Rights journal and on the Security and Human Rights Monitor are invited to send their policy articles to our Web Editor-in-Chief, Stephanie Liechtenstein (Stephanie_liechtenstein@yahoo.com) and their academic articles to our Managing Editor, Jennifer Pampolina (jpampolina@nhc.nl).
Dr. Arie Bloed and Dr. Christophe Paulussen
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