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Violence Against Women: Assessing Italy’s Compliance with the OSCE Commitments and the Current International Legal Framework

Francesca Capone
Journal12 June 2019
This article was published on Brill | Nijhoff


Violence against women (VAW) represents a phenomenon that over the past decade has reached an unprecedented level in Italy. As a result this topic has been included amongst the key issues addressed by the Independent Evaluation Report on the occasion of the Italian OSCE Chairmanship 2018. Relying and building on the study conducted by this author in order to contribute to the Report, the present article provides an overview of the key findings of the research, discussing how and to what extent Italy’s approach is in line with the OSCE commitments on VAW. This article aims at pointing out existing weaknesses and strengths of the Italian legal and policy framework as well as at identifying possible ways forward to bolster Italy’s compliance with the OSCE commitments and the existing international and regional standards.

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Dr. Francesca Capone is a member of the Security and Human Rights Monitor Editorial Board, she is Assistant Professor of Public International Law at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, and has undertaken research on a wide range of topics, encompassing the law of remedies, the legal framework governing the response to CBRN events and the issues connected to international law and terrorism. Her recent publications include Reparations for Child Victims of Armed Conflict: State of the Field and Current Challenges and Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, co-edited with Prof. Andrea de Guttry and Dr. Christophe Paulussen. In May 2018 she was awarded the Ciardi Prize for the best book in the field of international humanitarian law.



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