New Editor in Chief and Call for Articles for the Security and Human Rights Monitor
Arie Bloed has stepped down as Editor in Chief of the Security and Human Rights Monitor (SHRM). He has asked Christophe Paulussen, senior researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and research fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism-The Hague, to succeed him, which he has happily accepted. Christophe will focus mainly on the academic articles, whereas Stephanie Liechtenstein, Web Editor-in-Chief since 2012, will continue to be responsible for the interviews, policy articles, and news items published on the SHRM site.
Bloed is one of the founding members of the NHC and Helsinki Monitor, the original predecessor to the SHRM. He has led the journal turned online platform for over twenty-eight years. During the 30th Anniversary of the NHC Bloed received the decoration of ‘Officer’ in the Order of Orange-Nassau for the years of work he has devoted to the NHC, OSCE, and the Helsinki process. You can learn more about Arie Bloed in his interview by former NHC Chair Ian de Jong. Arie Bloed will continue to be on the Editorial Board as a special advisor.
Call for Articles
The SHRM is currently working on the upcoming volume. We are looking for articles addressing the challenge of building security through cooperation across the OSCE region as well as how this experience can be applied to other parts of the world.
The Editorial Board currently invites authors to submit academic articles before 15 October 2018.
For more details, you can download the Call for Articles and the Submission Guidelines.
Publishing and Organisation of the SHRM
The predecessors of the SHRM, the Helsinki Monitor then the journal Security and Human Rights have been published in hard copy by the esteemed Brill/Nijhoff (Brill). While it still encompasses a peer-reviewed journal to be published by Brill it has evolved into a multifaceted platform that provides analysis on the work of the OSCE, as well as on security and human rights challenges stemming from the OSCE region and beyond. The academic articles of the SHRM will be published on the site through Open Access in addition to annual/bi-annual publication in hard copy by Brill.
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