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Panel Discussion on Human Rights and Conflict Taking Place 31 October (The Hague)

Events16 October 2019

Where: The Hague Humanity Hub, 58 Fluwelen Burgwal 2511 CJ Den Haag
When: Thursday, 31 October 2019, 17:45-20:00
Register here: Human Rights and Conflict Panel Discussion

We are pleased to announce the third in a new series of events by LINKS Europe and The Hague Humanity Hub, which aims to rethink approaches to conflict prevention and resolution. Organised in collaboration with the Security and Human Rights Monitor, the event on 31 October will focus on Human Rights and Conflict, highlighting how human rights violations can be the cause of an outbreak of conflict, and the importance of respect for human rights in ensuring long-term sustainability in any resolution of violent conflict.

The panellists for this event will be:

  • Piet de Klerk, the current Chairman of the Netherlands Helsinki Committee, former Netherlands Ambassador-at-large (acting as Special Envoy for Counterterrorism), and the former Dutch Ambassador for Human Rights;
  • Dr Nienke van der Have, Senior Legal Specialist advising the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations on human rights, and author of ‘The Prevention of Gross Human Rights Violations Under International Human Rights Law’;
  • Fulco van Deventer, Deputy Director and Co-founder of the Human Security Collective (HSC) and Associate Fellow at the International Center for Counter Terrorism (ICCT)

Amongst other things, the event will explore four subtopics:

  • To what extent are human rights a domestic issue, and to what extent are they a concern of the international community; when is humanitarian intervention justified? Who can/should authorise humanitarian intervention?
  • How can human rights be embedded in conflict prevention and conflict resolution processes in order to secure the sustainability of peace?
  • How do you monitor and address human rights issues in areas controlled by non-state actors and unrecognised states; Is the European response to the human rights situation in its geographical neighbourhood adequate?
  • How can mismanagement of Human Rights destabilise nations; how can we use Human rights to prevent conflict; what challenges exist?

Our panel of experts will each open with their thoughts and experiences in relation to the topic, before an open discussion, in which we welcome and encourage the participation of the audience. The event will end with networking drinks for all those in attendance.

Sign in will open at 17:45 with the event starting at 18:00 sharp.

Prior registration for this event is necessary. If you register but are unable to make the event, we would very grateful if you could let us know

The Hague Conversations on Conflict is a series of discussions, lectures, workshops and networking events launched by LINKS Europe in association with The Hague Humanity Hub, in June 2019. Their aim is to provide a forum where the changing nature of war and conflict can be analysed and assessed, together with the responses of international society.


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