OSCE/Mikhail Evstafiev

17th South Caucasus Media Conference
When: 18 November 2020, 13:45 – 19 November 2020, 15:15
Where: Online
Organized by: Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
The 17th Annual South Caucasus Media Conference, entitled “Media Freedom and Access to Information for Resilient Societies: Challenges and Ways Forward”, will offer two sessions. The first session will focus on freedom of the media and access to information in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, and will also explore if various tools used to protect public health could be helpful in identifying ways to counter the “fake news” phenomenon while ensuring the free flow of information. The second session will present an overview of media freedom developments in the South Caucasus region over the last year, including legislative initiatives and implementation practices, safety of journalists, plurality and diversity of national and local media, and other key issues and challenges pertinent to freedom of expression and media freedom offline and online.
For more information, visit the OSCE website.
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