
EU involvement with the Transdniestrian conflict
This article analyzes the EU’s policies towards both Moldova and Transdniestria, within the context of the Transdniestrian conflict. Based on conducted fieldwork in Moldova and Transdniestria, it is argued that the EU has a huge potential to thaw this conflict. Besides the dominance of geopolitical interests for Transdniestria, this article also asserts that the scope or use of normative power should be reconsidered in these antagonistic environments. Nevertheless, where OSCE diplomacy or (unilateral) Russian intervention have all failed so far, also the EU is increasingly having difficulty to navigate its way on the patchy road to conflict settlement for Transdniestria. Often portrayed as one of the most resolvable conflicts, the Transdniestrian conflict is an interesting case for those interested in European security.
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