Between ‘sousveillance’ and applied ethics: practical approaches to oversight – Michael Kowalski
Title: Between ‘sousveillance’ and applied ethics: practical approaches to oversight
Author: Michael Kowalski
Between ‘sousveillance’ and applied ethics: practical approaches to oversight [Kowalski]
The issue of the oversight of intelligence and security services is playing an increasing role in the debate on global security issues both among specialists and the broader public. Beyond theoretical debates on intelligence and surveillance ten practical approaches to advance oversight are being developed. Core ideas address the implications of the political supremacy of oversight, the need for revisiting the focus of oversight as well as the possibilities of the proliferation of best oversight practices. Furthermore, suggestions are made regarding the integration of ethics in security research and the creation of space for applied ethics for intelligence practitioners.
oversight; intelligence; counterterrorism; applied ethics; security research; human rights
Title: Between ‘sousveillance’ and applied ethics: practical approaches to oversight
Author: Michael Kowalski
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/18750230-02404006
Language: English
Year: 2013
Volume: 24
Issue: 3–4
Pages: 280–285
In: Security and Human Rights
E-ISSN: 1875-0230